Author: Crystal

  • Five Budgeting Tips

    Five Budgeting Tips

    I know that the word “budgeting” might make some of you cringe, but fear not! With the right mindset and a few easy tips, you’ll be well on your way to financial stability and success. Tip #1: Track your expenses The first step in creating a budget is to track your expenses. This means keeping…

  • 2022 Year-End + 2023 Projections

    2022 Year-End + 2023 Projections

    Happy holidays! We made it to the new year and with it the challenges 2023 is already planned to bring. This year we’re looking at job changes, moving cross country (again), and possibly fertility treatments. All major changes that come at a cost both physically and monetarily. However, we’ve created a smart plan to weather…

  • October 2022 Update

    October 2022 Update

    Longtime no chat! Just wanted to give a small update regarding this blog’s future and our current net worth. We hit out goal of 100k net worth around mid-September. That’s a whole three months ahead of schedule even with the setbacks of a “down” market! The chart above gives some insight into our savings/investing since…

  • 2021 Recap + 2022 Goals

    2021 Recap + 2022 Goals

    Happy 2022! ✨🎉🍾 It’s time to touch on some FIRE achievements in the past year and our goals for the new year. Recapping 2021, we had some wild and crazy financial moments. Most importantly of all, I believe was actually being able to define what FIRE means to us and set ourselves on the path…

  • No Spend November

    No Spend November

    Happy post turkey month! With the holidays upon us, it’s more important than ever to know our limits and set boundaries. I’m talking about how the American consumer culture pushes a society that can’t afford it to max out their credit cards and dry up their meager savings all in the name of “gift giving”.…