Tag: kindle vella

  • Kindle Vella – Why I Stopped Publishing

    Kindle Vella – Why I Stopped Publishing

    While the novels I serialized on the Kindle Vella platform didn’t end up with millions of views per the nature of the platform, they still caught enough attention to gain a monthly bonus payment. As of last month, I made the executive decision to remove my writing from the platform. This choice was in response…

  • July 2023 – 1099 Income KDP + Kindle Vella

    July 2023 – 1099 Income KDP + Kindle Vella

    June was a zero income month from KDP and Vella as my engagement and posting had died down in April and May in preparation for the move. Now that we’re in the new state, I started publishing again in June and have seen an increase back in the amount of money coming in from my…

  • April 2023 – 1099 Income KDP + Kindle Vella

    April 2023 – 1099 Income KDP + Kindle Vella

    I have a secret that not many are aware of, much like this website, I publish books under a pen-name. A few years ago I began to publish but the first book was a total flop – only my dad read it and it was NOT PG. Quickly, I gave up but still kept writing…