We’re halfway through No Spend September and it’s time to check in with our monthly net worth tracking! To date, this month we have spend $650 outside of rent ($1400) and have roughly 2 weeks left to the challenge. Assuming we keep up the same spending habits, which still included an outing to the mountains and buying glasses with an updated prescription, our total expenses including rent will come out to about $2,700 for Sept 1st through the 30th. Our scheduled W2 income is about $6,000 after tax and benefits. Leaving an expected $3,300 we can stock away in savings and investments. Honestly, that’s already roughly what we’ve been saving and investing month to month because we’re conscious about our spending.

Check out where we were last month or view our FIRE journey.
As we move into October, we are one month closer to meeting our baby and one month closer to the lease ending in April. In preparation we have began to search our housing options as $1,400 in rent is stupid for us to continue to pay. We’re reaching out to various mobile parks to see who will allow 3 cats and exploring our purchase options.
The reasoning behind living in a mobile home is because they are homes. They have walls and a roof and are just as safe, if not safer than non-mobile homes on the market. In fact, we can more easily ensure our home is free of lead based paint and asbestos when purchasing a mobile home based on the year. Something we’re risk averse to when looking at the 1900’s homes available in our price range, especially with a baby on the way. We’ve got 6 months to figure it out so we’ll see where it goes!