Category: FI Journey

  • Why Achieving Financial Independence Isn’t Enough

    Why Achieving Financial Independence Isn’t Enough

    Financial independence is a goal that many people strive for throughout their lives. They may not refer to it as that, but that’s what traditional retirement is. Putting our nose to the grindstone, working 40+ years to get the social security credits. All while hoping beyond all hope we saved enough to last us from…

  • Emergency Savings: Why You Can’t Afford NOT to Have One

    Emergency Savings: Why You Can’t Afford NOT to Have One

    In the US, all it takes is one accident to completely wipe out one’s savings. Where insurance is not what it promises to be and medical bills can range into the millions, how does one protect themselves from financial ruin? The answer is often over complicated by those unwilling to do what it takes to…

  • July 2023 Net Worth

    July 2023 Net Worth

    Our July 2023 net worth growth benefited greatly from the market upturn. Signalling the end of a 20 month bull market. The stock market cycle is back to what it appeared to be before 2022 and with it our optimism for the growth of our portfolio. We managed to pick up 65k of REITs for…

  • How to Save Money & Achieve Early Financial Independence

    How to Save Money & Achieve Early Financial Independence

    Living below one’s means is an essential component of achieving financial success and leaving the rat race behind. It means making conscious choices about how you spend your money and prioritizing your financial goals over immediate gratification. Learning how to save money is an important step to a financially healthy life. In this article, we…

  • June 2023 Net Worth

    June 2023 Net Worth

    June 2023 net worth, by some miracle (dividends, cold hard cash, and market increases) we made it back to 100k. Technically still below out net worth prior to selling the house but the first 100k is ALWAYS the hardest. Now that we hit this milestone without it being tied up in less liquid holdings (physical…