Author: Crystal

  • April 2023 – 1099 Income KDP + Kindle Vella

    April 2023 – 1099 Income KDP + Kindle Vella

    I have a secret that not many are aware of, much like this website, I publish books under a pen-name. A few years ago I began to publish but the first book was a total flop – only my dad read it and it was NOT PG. Quickly, I gave up but still kept writing…

  • Crypto Folly: All Good Things End

    Crypto Folly: All Good Things End

    This one gets my goat every time. I love emerging tech and investment options ( honestly was born in the wrong century) but being in the “innovators or early adopters” cohort can come at a price. When tech goes mainstream, it can go two ways: really good or really bad. In the case of Crypto,…

  • The Personal Finance Trap: Emotions

    The Personal Finance Trap: Emotions

    The finance trap of emotions can be a vicious life-long cycle that hold you back. This post focuses on recognizing, working with, and controlling your emotional responses than beating them. An important thing many over look on their finance journey is their personal narrative and how the emotions it brings have significant impact in the…

  • Declutter the F*ck Out of Your Finances

    Declutter the F*ck Out of Your Finances

    To declutter finances, much like Marie Kondo’s decluttering method did for our homes, we must also look to apply similar methods to our financial life. Because let’s be real, most of Gen Y’s financial life is in the dog house. We’ve been hit with multiple economic disasters and still have a decent amount of earning…

  • Debit Card Flaws: Protecting Your Finances

    Debit Card Flaws: Protecting Your Finances

    Let’s talk about something that’s probably in your wallet right now: your debit card! While debit cards are convenient to directly access your money, there are some dangers that come with using them for financial transactions. Let’s explore some of the risks of relying on debit cards and how using credit cards can actually protect…