Author: Crystal

  • Cost of Reproducing in the 21st Century

    Cost of Reproducing in the 21st Century

    Happy No Spend September! With the end of the quarter almost here, we wanted to give the promised infertility update. As we moved into June, we had finally given up and resigned ourselves to either a future without the family we’d planned the prior 11 years or figure out how to pay for IVF treatments.…

  • No Spend Challenge

    No Spend Challenge

    As mentioned in a previous post, we normally participate in No Spend November. This year however, we are participating in No Spend September. The beauty of the No Spend Challenge is it can be completely in any month. Think a month is too daunting? Easy, make it a No Spend week. Why the change? That…

  • August 2023 Net Worth

    August 2023 Net Worth

    With August 2023 already halfway through, we’re planning a “No Spend” September to help catch up on the fact we lived on one income since April. Now that we have two incomes again, it’ll be easier to secure our financial future. Part of moving the No Spend month to September is a strategic move to…

  • July 2023 – 1099 Income KDP + Kindle Vella

    July 2023 – 1099 Income KDP + Kindle Vella

    June was a zero income month from KDP and Vella as my engagement and posting had died down in April and May in preparation for the move. Now that we’re in the new state, I started publishing again in June and have seen an increase back in the amount of money coming in from my…

  • Why Achieving Financial Independence Isn’t Enough

    Why Achieving Financial Independence Isn’t Enough

    Financial independence is a goal that many people strive for throughout their lives. They may not refer to it as that, but that’s what traditional retirement is. Putting our nose to the grindstone, working 40+ years to get the social security credits. All while hoping beyond all hope we saved enough to last us from…