Author: Crystal

  • Say “No” to Abusive Employers

    Say “No” to Abusive Employers

    Fellow Millennials, I’m confident you know how it is. The ever present abusive employers that feed off our life energy. You land a new job, ignore the warning signs and try to give the employer the benefit of the doubt. But what happens when they don’t give you the same courtesy? The younger generation, Gen…

  • Save Money, Cut The Cord: Simple Math That Will Save You Thousands

    Save Money, Cut The Cord: Simple Math That Will Save You Thousands

    One of the most valuable skills we can possibly learn in life is how to cut out and let go of excess. As American millennials we were raised to consume and stake our place in “society” by the things we have, not by how much we save money. One of these is paying for cable…

  • Save Money – New vs Used Appliances

    Save Money – New vs Used Appliances

    I have a perpetual problem: I’m constantly pulled between wanting to save money buying used and hating the fact someone else already used it. Appliances are a major expense, but at the end of the day the truth is there are ways to save money on them. Besides the peace of mind that comes with…

  • May 2023 Net Worth

    May 2023 Net Worth

    I sit here writing this from a small town outside the NY capital city that 90% of people haven’t heard of and 99% ignore as they drive by. The move across country is complete and we can refocus on saving and investing every free penny that falls into our life. Despite the decrease in Net…

  • April 2023 – 1099 Dividend income

    April 2023 – 1099 Dividend income

    This time last year we were not dividend or real estate focused. I was low-key obsessed with buying rentals but kept letting deals go because at the end of the day, I didn’t want yet ANOTHER job to take up my time. The whole point of FIRE is time freedom, there’s no freedom when the…