Net Worth Tracker

Hello and welcome to our net worth tracker. Here you’ll find our current position in the journey to financial independence. Like many millennials, we did not start tracking our net worth or working towards FI until COVID hit. It took many happenstance events to get us to a place to even begin tracking our net worth and 2021 was the first year we came out on top financially.

Want to get involved in attaining financial independence and create your own net worth tracker? Check out our latest post.

Why are we doing this?

Financial independence brings a sense of liberation and freedom that cannot be matched. It grants you the power to make choices you wouldn’t be able to make when strapped to a job creating wealth for other people. It provides security and peace of mind. You no longer have to worry about living paycheck to paycheck or being dependent on others. Instead, you can build a robust emergency fund, invest in your future, and prepare for any unforeseen circumstances. It allows you to prioritize your well-being. You can focus on personal development, engage in activities that nourish your mind and body, and take time off for self-care without the fear of falling behind financially. It puts the power to direct your life back into your hands.

Not sure of your FIRE number? We love the calculator on Playing With Fire.

net worth graph updated nov 2023

Note* March/April 23 we sold our house to move across country, incurring various costs similar to a “financial reset”.