Category: Budget
Financial Steps to take while pregnant
Nothing can quite prepare you for parenthood. As a new mom, it’s taken me a little over 4 weeks just to be able sit down at my laptop and catch up on life. Newsflash, still working on that! Today my baby is one month old. He already has his own little personality. Today I can…
Financial Responsibility: Why Wait to have kids
For those living in first-world countries, we *generally* have access to appropriate education, healthcare, and financial means to ensure we make the decisions that are best for our futures. We also have the social and financial responsibility to ensure we’re making the right choice for those we drag into this world (aka, our children). It…
What Babies Cost – Update December 2023
Hey there! Ever wonder what babies cost? Using a combination of smart spending and lifestyle choices, we’re tracking our expenses so you don’t have so much to guess about. While it’s important to note that our choices are not for everyone, it’s certainly possible to spend less! While definitely possible to spend more! We consider…
Diapers – How to Save Money
There’s an argument to be had for both sides of the great diaper divide. For us, cloth diapers are a no brainer. In all the prior generations, my family never made the switch to disposables. Cloth was always the answer. It doesn’t make sense to use disposables, especially when the “affordable” ones can contain chemicals…
Baby Welcome Boxes – Worth it or not?
Hey there, ever heard of Baby Welcome Boxes? As part of our family journey we will be covering various aspects of raising a child while establishing a cider orchard and working towards financial independence. Fiscal responsibility ideally comes before having children as financial security in baby’s first year of life greatly impacts their health and…